Daily iPhone App: WorldView+ (03/06/12)
WorldView+ is one of the more functional and attractive "compromises" out there. Plus, it looks great on the iPad or iPhone.


WorldView+: Fernweh mit iPhone und iPad bekämpfen (01/08/12)
Insgesamt wurde WorldView+ durchdacht entwickelt und macht einen guten Job.


WorldView+: Webcams Worldwide, With An Elegant Interface (10/28/10)
With a nice icon and a redesigned UI by Marcelo Marfil, this app combines the functionality of checking on live webcams with additional data pulled from Wikipedia, weather stations and Google Maps.

The Times Online

Ten of the best iPhone apps (07/19/09)
Savour live, or near-live, images from 10,000 webcams around the world on your phone. Want to check the weather in Covent Garden, or indeed see the pyramids? WorldView opens your eyes

Beonmedia Techblog

Worldview-App – die Welt in der Hosentasche (05/27/09)
Wer den Lieblingsort immer dabei haben möchte, oder eben mal einen Blick nach Waikiki Beach werfen möchte ist mit der Worldview App bestens bedient. Für den absoluten Live Cam Enthusiasten bietet sich neben dieser kostenlosen Variante die Worldview Live App an. – Sensationell!

USA Today Online

Add-on software apps make iPhone a great travel partner (03/03/09)
It's an ideal toy for tourists wishing to get a sense of the weather at their destinations, or for armchair travelers stuck in their work cubicles. You can stare at downtown Moscow or Newport Beach in California. WorldView isn't necessary for business travelers, but it's a fun time-waster.